We arrived Thursday and Grant spent much of his time switching between trampoline time and riding his bike around and around the block, enjoying the freedom of pedaling without hills. Spencer did the same, plus spent time exploring who had what in terms of electronics. We played with the cats Fluffy and Oreo and held the chinchilla, Sushi.
Later we went to the new Avon Lake pool/water park where Spencer and Grant wore themselves out sliding, climbing, jumping and swimming. I can tell they have been spoiled at our pool though as they complained about the "crowds" which were not so bad.
Grant crossing the lilly pad

After a nice dinner together, we headed out to the Lake Erie Crusher's baseball game. This is a regional league and they had a beautiful stadium. I really enjoyed it but the kid's attention span could only be stretched to about 90 minutes.
Saturday morning started with another run for Cortney who returned to the house to find only Grant awake. He was anxious to get his bike out and get to work, but he said that the sticker next to the garage door opener said "Children should not operate" so he felt he could not open the door! So I opened the door and he was on his way, around and around the block again.
Olivia and Ana had the idea to soap down the trampoline which makes it super slippery and that occupied everyone for some time. That kept folks happy for a long time until Grant reached stimulation overload and whacked his face with his knee.
Spencer and I headed off on bikes toward the lake and discovered a tiny public beach and swim area. Fortunately, Spencer still had his swim trunks on and he was SOO happy to frolic in the lake. I walked out on the jetty, and not being one to waste time, figured it was a good time to stretch out the legs from the runs. In one inverted stretch, the $7 I had shoved down my top (I had no pockets) fell out into the lake, with Spencer only able to retrieve $2 of it. We told the lifeguard we left him a tip! We ended up logging 10 miles on the bike and Spencer had his first "brick" workout (swim/bike)!
We finished up our night with dinner at the local Japanese restaurant, heading out on tandem bike rides, and watching some of our favorite comedians on Netflix.
This morning we'll enjoy a nice breakfast together then head out of the flatlands for our mountain home in Blacksburg, looking forward to the next visit!!
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