The Blacksburg Martial Arts program where Grant is a Karate student, had an exhibition as part of Steppin' Out. He was asked if he would be willing to break a board. He accepted, without hesitation, despite the fact that he only broke a board one other time and it was last winter! He did a quick break in practice, then the real thing in the exhibition. There's a video of the board breaking at the bottom of this post...

The kids with their sensei, Dax

Getting reading before the exhibition. What in the world is Grant doing here??

Grant spent hours, literally HOURS, in the hula hoop area of the festival. They had dozens of hoops of all sizes to play with. Grant has always had a knack for hoopin' and even bought one to have at home. There is no comparison to the cheapie big box store hoops, this one is indestructible!
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