Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Day!!

It was a terrific Christmas here in Blacksburg, still unseasonably mild and sunny. That didn't prevent Santa from coming (nor did our lack of chimney). Spencer enjoyed his MacBook and Arduino hardware and Grant was excited about his Acer tablet and videorecorder plus night-vision goggles. Christmas Eve included the Martin family traditions of herring salad and bread, while Christmas morning featured Cortney's homemade waffles, sausage, fruit salad, and coffee cake from the local bakery. The kids are now entrenched in their new electronics and Cortney had time for the annual Christmas Day nap!! It's shaping up to be a relaxing lazy day around here.

Merry Christmas!!

Brotherly love!

Oma and Grandfriend

Let's try the new rock hammer on the gingerbread house!

Good morning!!

New rule: nothing made of cloth for Christmas please!

Cheese puffs and a new MacBook. Who could ask for more?

The aftermath!

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