Last night was the big recital for the students in the VT String Program in the Squires Recital Salon. I was equally impressed by the first-years (Spencer among them) as well as the second-years-- it's fun to see what we all have to look forward to next year. It is hard to believe that none of these kids knew anything about their instruments just three months ago. We enjoyed seeing the personalities of each of the kids come out during the performance as some look ready to start up a jazz band!

The first-years being readied by Vernon Burnsed for conductor Jeff Midkiff
Spencer was thrilled that his third-grade teacher, Mrs. Lloyd, came to see the performance. He scanned the crowd until his eyes settled upon her and then all was right in his world! She is clearly one of those pivotal and influential teachers who has inspired and encouraged Spencer. She is very gifted, creative, and energetic, and we are lucky to have her.
Frere Jacques - Spencer is second from the right, front row.
Twinkle Twinkle - Spencer is second from the right, front row.