Monday, August 6, 2012


I have a backlog of posts that should have gone up and didn't! This summer has gotten away from me as it's been very busy and in some unexpected ways.

This is old news, but on June 29th we had a "derecho" come through the region, bringing 80+ mph straight line winds. It hit as we were leaving a pool party at the Country Club and it was very scary to be driving and watching trees fall across the road as we went.

We had so much tree damage and hundreds of thousands were without power. We lost power (and thus, water since we are on a well) for 6 days. The kids and I moved in with Oma and Robert stayed with the pets!

It was nice to spend that time with Oma and maybe even just get out of our routines for a while, but we were glad to get back home after that. We lost a few trees and Robert and the neighbors spent quite a bit of time chopping up and moving trees.

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