Robert and the boys go out and cut down a tree. Robert brings up the supplies and rearranges the furniture, then puts the lights on. The kids and I do most of the decorating.

Oma makes a gingerbread house for the kids to decorate and of course, eat. She knows everyone's favorite candies to include.
This is the time of year we break out the jigsaw puzzles and do at least 2 or 3 over the holiday. The kids look naked, but aren't...they just recently decided sleeping shirtless was a good idea until they realized how much warmer shirts can be!

Kids with Aunt Elisabeth's in front of the tree they decorated at Oma's.

The funny thing is that on Christmas Eve they spent a good bit of time playing with this cardboard box. Typical kids!!

Christmas morning started bright and early, especially considering the boys weren't asleep until close to 11. We heard them checking downstairs frequently and reporting back to one another. iTouches were the big gift to each this year, along with books, Wii games, puzzles, LEGOs, and games. Spencer got a camera to take on his trip. Robert got his usual Soduku daily calendar, allen wrenches, polar fleece, etc. Cortney's biggie was a wetsuit for the next triathlon season.